Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Disconnect-Ed Fale challenge- Lockdown

Hey bloggers👋. Yesterday my class and I had a meeting as usual. Usually our teacher👨 would explain💬 the work📃 that we had to do on our chrome books💻. But yesterday we could have a bit of time🕰 off from our devices💻. So our teacher👨 sent us a link to a slide📄 that tells us what to do . So when we went into the meeting, our teacher👨 didn't explain💬 that much about what we were going to do since we weren't working📝 on our chrome books💻 that much. In the Disconnect-Ed slide📄 he sent us, there was a Fale🏠 Challenge. That was what we did in the meeting. So what we had to do was find ten items in our Fale🏠 colour🟡. It's okay to not have ten items. I'm in the house Kowhai🟡. I got all the items I could find. Here is a photo📷 of my items below👇: 


  1. Kia ora Tayyibah,

    I really enjoyed your blog because you put detail on exactly what you have been doing. You also attached a photo. How do you feel about completing the task? Did you enjoy it?

    Let's go Kowhai!
    Miss Laxa

  2. Hi Tayyibah,

    I like the way you put emojis on the writing part,It is really easy to understand.
    When I read you're post I learnt that sometimes you need to stay away from the screen.Do you like doing science.

    looking forward to seeing more on you're blog.
